Friday, November 30, 2012

...Day one on the road to Texas

I must start by saying this was one great road trip. We went on the road knowing we were going to stop often and decided to take in as much as we could. Our first new city was Port St.Joe. We did arrive late but did enjoy the ride there and spent some time exploring the town that morning. We found there wasn't much to explore but it was still beautiful.  
Here is Maddy with the map I made him before leaving on our trip. The map was used so often it was wrinkled and almost unrecognizable by the end of our trip. He loved asking every couple hours where we were and moving the Journey (our car) to where he wished we were at that point in time. 

Window clings were fun for a while although they did end up ripped and lost all over the back seat. 

The eye spy activity was a hit. I simply put  colored rice inside a container and added little nick knacks to them. Both Landon and Maddy loved  looking to see what they could find. 

This was outside a Walmart we stopped by. We let the boys explore the toy aisles to get some energy out. We probably spent about 45 minutes in there and it actually worked out really well. As you can see it got a little chilly in North Florida. The boys are going to be in shock when we arrive in NY in a couple weeks. 

This picture was taken in Port St.Joe. The fishing piers  were fun for the boys to run on and were really beautiful in the early morning sunshine.  

Fishing pier in Port St.Joe. 

Love this wooden swing near the dock. 

On our way to the Naval museum. Landon is one silly boy! 

Thursday, November 8, 2012 the Homestead Air Show

This past weekend we spent part of the day Saturday and Sunday at the Homestead air show. We have been to air shows in New York before but this one was different in that they had airplanes on the tarmac that you could look at and even go inside. The boys both enjoyed it so much. Landon notices everything in the sky lately and thus was amazed by all the flying planes but never scared or startled even. Maddox loved being able to go into the helicopters and planes and he loved the frozen lemonade too!

Inside one of the cargo planes. 

Maddox being rescued

He looks like a pilot doesn't he?

Landon wouldn't take his eyes off the plane. 

Day #2 in the back of a helicopter.

Sky jumper!

Love the expression on his face!

One of the few pics of me and the boys. I guess that is what happens when you are the main picture taker. This was about 5 minutes before we left on the second day. Thus the tired looks on each of our faces. Maybe one day we will even get a picture of all of us! 

Friday, November 2, 2012

...and Garden

In the month of October we studied gardening in our coop preschool. Each week we broke it down into topics we wanted to teach them about. A couple of the topics were fruits, seeds, flowers, roots, stems, and leaves, pests and pollinators, and soil and compost. 
This was during the roots, stems, and leaves lesson. We first had them examine some of the differences in each of these groups. They cut and ripped them up and also tried some when they felt the urge. Then we gave them toothpicks and they made their own people from all of the parts!  

This was a beehive at a local garden. We were lucky enough to have one of the workers come show the kids the beehive and explain some interesting facts to them. Landon pointing as usual. 

Here is our group with their little bee wings and antennae. 

One of the moms in our group filled little cups with juice and placed them around the butterfly garden area. Then she gave each of the children a straw which they used to drink up the "nectar" they found. 

Here is Lu in his bee wings that I made from a hanger and black stockings and some glitter glue. I love this little face! 

This is from our soil lesson. They places sediment in a bottle filled with water and watched it settle to see the different layers of things in the soil. Landon is in the "put it in" phase so this was a great activity for him. 

They also made mud pies using rock sprinkles as a topping. 

This picture is from our compost lesson. We set up an obstacle course for our little worms to crawl through while collecting pieces of fruits and veggies to bring to the compost pile in their worm hole.

We are having lots of fun with our themes and Maddox is learning so much. The things that he recites surprise me on a daily basis. We have a letter we concentrate on each week and he is picking them up pretty well. Maddox knows how to spell his name but has yet to really write it. He doesn't do too much writing yet he will randomly write individual letters on paper or his chalkboard. This is most likely due to the fact that he is not into activities which require sitting down for more then a couple seconds. It is going to be interesting when he goes to school that is for sure. I can hear the poor teacher now. "Maddox sit, Maddox sit, Maddox sit" all day. I love the energy he has and how much fun he has every day.