Tuesday, June 26, 2012

...and make it rain

A few of our playgroup friends and I are getting ready for the upcoming "school" year. What I mean is that we are coming up with ways for our kiddies to learn through playing together. While sharing ideas I thought why not start now! I came up with the idea to focus on weather since we have been experiencing so many different kinds right now. This week we are focusing on clouds and rain. I set up their little pool with water and provided some materials that could represent clouds and others that could create the sense of rain. They both really enjoy the water and like most children when you introduce new props they seem to really enjoy exploring and experimenting. I loved to see them so engaged in the activity and was able to take plenty of pictures because of this. 

I poked holes in the lid so they could fill it up and flip it over for a rain effect.  

Sponges as clouds to fill with water and squeeze (or munch on)

Tell me he wasn't having fun!

Then I put cotton "clouds" in the ziplock (that I poked holes in)  so they could have a different textured "cloud". 

Squeezing the water out of the "cloud"

Lu even made it rain!

How awesome are his eyes?! Oh and the cotton apparently  makes for an interesting textured snack. hehe

Aren't Maddox's eyelashes amazing! They are so beautifully long! 

Another "cloud" picture. Landon enjoyed this much more then I could have asked for which was great for both boys!

We ended the day with a snack of marshmallow fluff "clouds" with pretzels. Maddox was more then thrilled! 


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