Thursday, June 14, 2012

...and watch Maddox swim!!

This child never fails to amaze me with the things that he is capable of doing! Considering he swam for the first time without his vest on this past Sunday he is doing incredible. It was a hard task for me to get a good video and although this video doesn't show just how awesome he is doing you can get the picture. Every time I turned the camera on he kept swimming in circles because he says that he is a dolphin. The second video is the dolphin video! He is always so silly!!!


  1. wow!!! i am SUPER impressed! good job maddie!

  2. oops... i am signed in as paul. this is actually jessie. :)

  3. I figured so much as I got the Berg connection...hehe. Thanks to this warm Miami weather we are spending tons of time in the pool. Maddox is doing new things all the time and never fails to impress me! Can't wait to see what the rest of the summer holds for him in the pool. Wish you guys were here to enjoy it with us. :o(
