Tuesday, June 19, 2012

...take a picture of an 11 month old (or at least try)

Can he really be 11 months old!! When did this happen??? I may actually cry about this one. Tomorrow I could say (not that I will) in less than a month my baby will be a year old. Okay enough about how quickly the time flies and let's enjoy the baby that he is today. Every month I take a bunch of pictures of Landon on the couch. It was a little harder this time then in the past. He had taken a two and a half hour nap (oh yea) and was so happy and awake when he woke up. This made for many smiling and happy pictures but also many of them turned into a blur due to all the movement. Just take a look at my adorable BABY boy!! Love him to pieces!
He sweats soooo much when he sleeps...thus the reason for the  slicked down hair. 

He reaches for EVERYTHING. I love how he is just exploring anything within reach at every moment of the day. 

"Mom why do I need to sit here?!"

That's his "chatting face"...trying to get a word in while Maddox is speaking. 


  1. sooooooooooOOOOOOOOO cute!!!!! :) i love him!
