Saturday, January 28, 2012

Come along with the Castros and watch Landon sleep...

Landon has been doing such a great job sleeping in the pack and play in our room. I decided it is time he gets used to sleeping in the big crib. He still wakes up once a night to eat so until we ween him from that feeding he will stay in our room at night. But for naps he is now sleeping in the crib in "the boys" room. For the first time this week both boys were taking naps in their room at the same time. It is really a great for me in that I can get more stuff accomplished around the house. I can't help but go in the room and smile at my two amazing boys. I love them both to pieces! Here is a picture of Landon getting so big yet he still looks so small in the big crib. The second picture is of both boys sleeping at the same time in their room. You have to look closely but you can spot the top of both of their heads laying down.

1 comment:

  1. oh sleeping babies are just edible!! :) i love them! we miss your boys so much! and congrats to maddox being potty trained! hooray! (for him and YOU!)
