Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Come along with the Castros and watch Landon use his feet...

Lately Landon has been using his feet more and more. When I lay him on his little play mat I come back to find him in all different positions. The one thing he has been doing all week is moving his way over to the window blinds (he isn't crawling yet so he kind of wiggles his way over there) and he purposely kicks the blinds. While he is kicking them near the floor he is watching them move toward the top. Its so cute to see him do something with such intent (and so smart). He also likes to kick the little toys that are around his mat especially if they make noise. My little soccer player?! :o)

Isn't he so multi talented! Just check out the foot and hand...I don't think I'm that flexible. :-/

1 comment:

  1. i think he looks a lot like maddox in that second picture. cute. :)
