Thursday, January 5, 2012

Come along with the Castros to the library...

Every week we try to go to story time at a local library. Because we live in a big city there are more then a couple libraries within 10 minutes of our house, so sometimes we can make it twice a week, like this week. Maddy especially loves the singing and dancing part. As you can see he loves to "shake his sillies out" and boy does he have a lot of sillies!! Landon just loves to sit with me and watch all of the children running and dancing around. He is such a happy baby. Im sure he is thinking that he cant wait to be able to join them!

1 comment:

  1. thanks for the link to your blog! i LOVE it so far. keep it up! :) Maddox, you're a rockstar shake your sillies out dancer! :)
